ZECHARIAH 9-10: Triumphal Entry


ZECHARIAH 10:1-12 

Focus: A little bit of context 

The places mentioned by Zechariah are the neighbors and surrounding people groups of Israel.  This list is much like Amos (before the exile).  God addresses the evil in the entire land and points out those who would suffer because of their sinfulness.  Those who do not prioritize God will be punished… Jew and Gentile alike.  Zechariah is warning the people not to be like their neighbors and to remain faithful because He will bring full life (John 10:10).   

Focus: How does this draw us to God? 

Bad nations will be dealt with.  Israel/Judah will be dealt with, but Judah has the promise of blessing.  God promises His people (verses 14-17) that on the other side of discipline is God’s blessing.  He says there will be salvation (verse 16), prosperity in the land (verse 16) and God’s goodness will shower down on the people and bless them (verse 17).  God is not only a disciplinarian, but One Who blesses as well.  This is important as part of grace and love.  There is a lot of shepherd language showing how God will relate to the people.  He is the Good Shepherd.   

NOTE: The Lord’s glory shines in us in our prosperity. Beware of those who use verses like this to say if you are faithful to God you will be rich.  God’s glory is reflected in us when we are faithful.  Think of Solomon and his splendor as a reflection of God.  Our riches and prosperity reflect our King God and His purposes for us.  We are jewels in His crown (9:16) and people who walk in His Name (10:12). 

God is faithful to His people (chapter 10) and has great compassion for them (10:6).  God rejects sin and people who sin, but God always relents and gathers people unto Himself (10:8-9) because He loves them.   

Focus: OT to the cross 

9:9 is a prophecy about the “triumphal entry” of Jesus in the Gospels and is quoted as such.  9:11 promises that the blood of the Covenant will bring them life and set them free.  This comes ultimately true in the blood of Jesus.  There is an atmosphere of the Messiah in the latter part of chapter 9 that speaks to the promises of God coming true in the Person of Jesus.  Jesus, the Messiah, will bring the restoration of true people who are faithful to God through the blood of His covenant.  Jesus purchased us to serve Him and we are His servants and part of His people. 


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